Regina public asked to weigh in on possible Davin Elementary School name change
87-year-old school named after man involved in creating residential schools

Should Davin Elementary School in Regina, Sask. get a new name? That's what's currently up for debate among the members of Regina's public school division board.
The elementary school, which has stood in the city's Crescents neighbourhood for 87 years, is named after Nicholas Flood Davin. In 1879, the Regina journalist and politician wrote an influential report that led to the creation of Canada's residential school system.

According to Terry Lazarou, spokesperson for Regina Public Schools, the board passed a motion to begin an online consultation on the potential name change in late November.
"Regina Public Schools feels that it's very important to get feedback from school communities on issues that are important to that community," he said, following the board meeting.
"We also believe that we should be getting advice and support, and [should] consult with other groups such as our elders advisory group and other individuals who live and work and play and learn in Regina."
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Lazarou said the community and the board began discussing whether the school's name is still appropriate during the last school year.
With the expansion of residential schools in the 20th century, Aboriginal children were removed from their homes and forced to give up their language and culture.Thousands of those students were physically and sexually abused, including many from Saskatchewan.

In April of 2016, Greg Enion, the director of education for Regina Public Schools, described the Davin Report as "a very negative part of our history," but he also said a potential name change would be a long process.
Lazarou said the board plans to decide one way or the other by the end of the 2017-18 school year in June 2018.