Regina rinks to require proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test
New requirement will come into effect on Nov. 1

Hockey players at Regina's rinks will need more than just their sticks and jerseys to hit the ice this winter. Starting Nov. 1, they will also need proof of their COVID-19 vaccination or a recent negative test.
Regina has required proof of vaccination or a negative test to access most city facilities since September. On Monday morning, council voted to expand that requirement to arenas as well.
"Up until this point, we were following the provincial public health order," said Regina Mayor Sandra Masters. "We're just extending proof of vaccination to be required in order to enter any arena facility in the city."
Though Regina's vaccination rate is slightly higher than the provincial average, Masters argued that requiring proof of vaccination at arenas will add another layer of protection for people in the city, particularly those too young to be vaccinated.
"The idea is that we need to create a safe environment in order to participate in activities which we know are good for our physical and mental health," she said. "The idea is to reduce undue risk, to stop pushing the virus around."
Masters said that Regina Exhibition Association Ltd. (REAL) — which operates the Co-Operators Centre and the Brandt Centre — was prepared to follow the city's lead on this decision.
Before the vote, the nine council members in attendance heard from Dr. Kieran Conway, a family physician in Regina.
He said he hopes this new requirement will influence other cities — and even the province — to do the same.
"I think what moved the provincial government to go with a proof of vaccination and all these other public health measures was other groups — city governments, our professional football club — doing it first," he said.
Erin Schmuland, mother of three hockey-loving sons too young to be vaccinated, also voiced her support for the new policy.
"I believe this has the potential to make a significant impact on our community's ability to come through this fourth wave," she said.
Schmuland said parents have been struggling with whether to send their kids to play hockey this year.
"We've entered into this hockey season faced with the harsh reality that we're exposing our unvaccinated children to unmasked athletes from non-vaccinated homes," she said.
Children under the age of 12, who are not yet eligible for any COVID-19 vaccine in Canada, are exempt from the new requirement.
People coming into arenas when they are being used as vaccine clinics or as warm-up stations during the winter will also be exempt.