Public schools in Regina to start vaccinating students on Monday
At the board meeting on Tuesday night, the deputy director gave a COVID-19 update that included vaccinations

Regina students will soon be able to get vaccinated at their school or a nearby school according to the school board's deputy director.
Darren Boldt gave a COVID-19 update at the Regina Public School Board meeting on Tuesday.
He said they hope to start receiving a combined 800 vaccines a day in Regina public schools, in the Regina Catholic School Division and in the Prairie Valley School Division.
"It'll be high schools during the day and those high schools will be opened up to the community schools around that high school in the evenings," Boldt said.
"So the 12 and 13 year olds who are in elementary school will be able to come with their parents or come by themselves with consent."
The Saskatchewan Health Authority is still finalizing the schedule, Boldt said, and a full one should be finalized by Wednesday at noon adding that a parent information package and consent form will be distributed to parents electronically and as a paper copy.
Students who are 13 and older do not need parental consent to be vaccinated. However, Boldt said the division will make every effort to get parental consent before delivering a vaccine.