Reigning Miss FNUniv Princess reflects on year as powwow royalty
Winona Pratt talks about life after being Powwow Princess

A lot of little girls dream of becoming a princess, but for Winona Pratt, that dream became a reality. Pratt, a member of the Cote First Nation, is the reigning Miss First Nations University of Canada Powwow Princess.
Last spring, she was crowned at the annual First Nations University of Canada spring powwow and has spent the year travelling the powwow circuit, dancing and representing her school.
She said winning the title was an emotional experience, "I never thought I'd cry tears of joy. I felt amazing."
A powwow princess is someone who represents their community with honour, with pride, with dignity.- Winona Pratt
As powwow princess, Pratt acted as an ambassador for First Nations University and travelled to all 15 powwows in Saskatchewan plus two in the United States, dancing and participating in Grand Entry.
It's not a responsibility she takes lightly.
"A powwow princess is someone who represents their community with honour, with pride, with dignity. It's someone who goes out there and represents our culture."

Pratt said since elementary school she has always looked at other princesses as role models. She pointed to the current Miss Universe, the first ever First Nations woman to hold that title, as someone who has inspired her. She says ever since she won the title younger women have looked to her for guidance and support.
"Immediately after I was crowned, not even half an hour, my Facebook was blowing up with requests and it has been ever since."
Immediately after I was crowned [...] my Facebook was blowing up with requests and it has been ever since.- Winona Pratt
The Royal Treatment
Pratt said she gets treated differently as royalty.
"Before, no one really cares to talk to you. But after you win a title, people think of you as someone different. When people see that, they think, 'This is a talented person.' They want to talk to you, they want your advice."
Pratt said it's been a phenomenal year.
"I loved every moment of it. I loved connecting with elders, with veterans, developing friendships and meeting new people. I loved being in Grand Entry and waving to everyone and seeing everyone, they are like my big powwow family."

She admitted it will be hard to hand over her title.
"To pass it on makes me overwhelmed with emotion. I'm happy I get to pass it on to the next person, but I'm also sad because I want to keep it. I feel like I want to be Miss FNU forever."
Life after Royalty
Pratt was raised by two parents who both served as police officers. She said she is passionate about justice and is currently working on completely a Bachelor of Justice Studies with plans of studying law.
"I really have a passion for seeking justice for the First Nations community. I think it's good there is First Nations people in this field, lawyers and police officers, to break some of the barriers between our two cultures."
New princess crowned this weekend
This weekend at the 38th annual First Nations University of Canada Powwow, a new crop of young women between the ages of 16 and 21 will be competing for the title of Miss FNUniv. The princess pageant includes public speaking and a dance competition. The winner will receive $1000 scholarship to attend First Nations University and get money to support her summer powwow travels. The powwow runs Saturday and Sunday from noon to midnight at the Brandt Centre in Regina.