Demand for free transit for Riders games more than doubles expectations
6,600 people on average used the free transit to Mosaic Stadium

The city of Regina is looking at bolstering the free transit service offered for Saskatchewan Roughriders fans who take the bus on game days.
Demand for free transit to Mosaic Stadium on Roughriders game days was higher than anticipated, according to a report submitted to the city.
There were 6,600 riders on average taking advantage of the free transit, more than double the 3,000 riders the city had thought.
The city needs to increase the maximum billable hours for transit on game days to 350 hours from 150 hours as a result, the report says. The city is now anticipating between 6,000 and 8,000 riders per game day.
"Due to the fact the transit service was reliable, consistent and free, the transit service was a huge success," reads a report to the city's community and protective services committee.
The Riders will pay the city $372,600 for free transit service to 10 games in 2018. The city was paid $338,370 for the transit last year.
The city has to approve the deal because its value is more than $100,000.