Sask. offers job protection for workers who spend time with dying family members
Federal government allows employment insurance claims for compassionate care leaves

Saskatchewan will soon be the third province in Canada to offer job protection for those who take a leave to care for a dying loved one.
Compassionate care leave allows people to claim employment insurance for 26 weeks to look after a gravely ill family member.
The provincial government is ensuring people in this province can use the leave — and have a job to go back to afterwards.
Labour Relations Minister Don Morgan says it is important for people to be able to spend time with family members during the end of their lives.
"The comfort and benefit that you get from family members is something that I just think is absolutely critical," Morgan said.
It's something the Saskatchewan Party promised to do during the spring election campaign.
The new rules could be in effect as soon as this summer.
They are already in place in Manitoba and Nova Scotia. Other provinces are expected to follow suit.