Sask. relaxes isolation requirements for fully-vaccinated people who have close contact with COVID-19
Residents who are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic no longer have to self-isolate after close contact

Fully vaccinated people who are not showing symptoms of COVID-19 will no longer have to self-isolate after coming into close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.
The exemption applies to anyone who is 14 days past their second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at the time of exposure and is asymptomatic.
If any symptoms are shown, even mild, the exposed person is still required to immediately self-isolate for 14 days and be tested.
In a Saskatchewan Health Authority news release, Health Minister Paul Merriman said that this is another step in getting back to normal.
"The level of protection provided by two doses of the vaccine is enabling us to announce new guidelines around self-isolation," he said.
There are a few exemptions to the new requirements.
Public health officials have discretion to require even fully-vaccinated close contacts to isolate if they have an increased risk of transmission or are considered at higher risk of serious illness.
Self-isolation may also be required for close contacts in health-care or congregate settings, such as group homes or corrections facilities.
The federal quarantine order on international travel also still requires that travellers self-isolate for 14 days upon return.