Sask. drops second dose eligibility age to 45 and older
Anyone immunized on or before May 1 can also now get 2nd dose

Saskatchewan is lowering its second dose vaccine eligibility age to 45 or older. You can also now get your second dose if you got your first one on or before May 1.
Second dose eligibility for northern residents remains 18 and up regardless of when the first dose was, so long they have passed the minimum amount of time between doses for the vaccine brand.
The province is also now pushing for more people to get their first dose of vaccine against COVID-19. The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) noted in a news release that more than 3,500 first dose appointments are available in Saskatoon and the surrounding area.
"The power to lift most, or all, public health restrictions is in your hands," the news release said.
The SHA presented two scenarios for moving to Step 3:
- "If 70% of residents aged 18 and older have received their first dose vaccinations by June 20 we will move to Step 3 on July 11.
- If 70% of residents aged 12 and older have received their first dose vaccinations by June 20 we will move to Step 3 on July 11, and remove the remaining public health restrictions."
The province has several drive-thru and walk-in clinics across the province. Residents can also book an appointment online or by phone.