Premier Brad Wall reminds PotashCorp of its pledge for corporate jobs amid merger
Saskatchewan-based PCS, Alberta's Agrium will merge with offices in Saskatoon, Calgary

This week, Premier Brad Wall had strong words about the upcoming merger of Alberta's Agrium Inc., and Saskatoon-based Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
Wall took to Twitter on Friday, saying he fully expects PotashCorp to honour a pledge made by former CEO William Doyle that Saskatchewan would be "a strong and vital" headquarters for the company.
He posted an image of a letter he received from Doyle in 2011.
Here is <a href="">@PotashCorpSask</a>’s Pledge to Saskatchewan from 2011. <a href=""></a>
"We want to ensure that Saskatchewan, as the head office for this company, has the maximum number of head office jobs, that the presence in this province is indisputably the head office," he said following Wednesday's cabinet shuffle.
He said newly appointed Energy and Resources Minister Nancy Heppner will be reaching out to the merging parties to "make the case" the head offices need to be in Saskatchewan.
- Sask. Premier Brad Wall confident about PotashCorp-Agrium merger talks
- Potash Corp., Argium to be called Nutrien once merger closes
The merger transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of this year, which is when the merging company will adopt the name Nutrien.
According to a 2016 news release from Agrium, the registered head office of the company will be in Saskatoon while corporate offices will be located in Saskatoon and Calgary.