Sask. NDP to elect a new leader on March 3, 2018
The party's provincial council voted Saturday to elect a new leader in March instead of May

The Saskatchewan New Democrats will elect a new leader on March 3, 2018 — two months earlier than originally planned.
The provincial council of the Saskatchewan NDP met in Moose Jaw on Saturday and voted to change the date from May 6, 2018, according to a news release issued by the party.
The decision to elect a new leader next May came before Premier Brad Wall announced his resignation and the Saskatchewan Party made plans to choose a new leader in January.
NDP party president David McGrane previously told CBC News a discussion should happen about moving up the leadership convention.
Candidates have until Jan.12, 2018 to enter the race. In order to be eligible to vote in the race, potential voters have to buy a membership by Jan. 19, 2018.
The two leadership candidates in the race so far are Ryan Meili and Trent Wotherspoon,