SaskPower confirms a 9th 'smart' meter failure
There has been a ninth smart meter failure at the home of a SaskPower customer.
It happened this morning at a home in Regina

CBC News has been able to confirm the failure happened to the meter on Joan Reimer's home.
SaskPower, a provincial Crown corporation, is in the process of removing 105,000 so-called "smart" meters from homes after eight reported meter failures earlier this year.
The ninth incident was reported Friday morning.
SaskPower said the customer, later identified as Reimer by CBC News, called after hearing a noise and losing power to her house. The company said there were no injuries. It added there was minor smoke damage to the home near where the meter was installed. SaskPower says that meter has now been replaced and the homeowner's power was been restored.
The power company has been ordered to remove all of the smart meters by March 15, 2015.