Sask. Health Authority confirms 9 cases of COVID-19 associated with Riders home opener
Authority flagged shuttle bus ride, Pil Country area as potential exposure spots

The provincial health authority says nine cases of COVID-19 have been tracked back to a Saskatchewan Roughriders game on August 6.
The Saskatchewan Health Authority said there is evidence infectious people with COVID-19 were at the event and transmission occurred.
Previously, the authority flagged two potential spots where people may have been infected. The first spot was the standing room-only Pil Country area.
As well, a shuttle bus that drove between Birmingham's Vodka and Ale House on 2636 Star Lite Street and Mosaic Stadium at 6:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. that night has also been flagged. The authority noted that commute in the shuttle bus was long and many people were not wearing masks.
Anyone associated with the COVID-19 event are asked to keep track of where they were during and after the event, as well as their vaccination status and whether they were wearing a mask at the event.
As well, people are also asked to cooperate with contact tracing teams and help them identify other people who may have been exposed.
The authority recommended everyone who is eligible get vaccinated, as well as not attend events while they are sick or if they have been in recent contact with a person who has tested positive. It also asked people to wear masks when they aren't able to distance from others and observe proper hand hygiene.