Mission Ridge Winter Park part of national effort to break world record
Fort Qu’Appelle ski resort attempted to break record of simultaneous snow angels

Saturday was bitterly cold, but that didn't stop people from going out to the ski hill to try and break a world record.
Mission Ridge Winter Park, in conjunction with other ski resorts across the country, attempted to break the Guinness world record for most people to simultaneously do a snow angel.
The event was organized by The Canadian Ski Patrol.
"At a national level, we are always interested in doing something a little bit unconventional and trying to shed light on our organization, and trying to break that Guinness record is one of them," said Alex Cazi, zone president for the Qu'Appelle region.
"It's an element of fun, it's an element of different, it's got an element of getting together and bringing people together."
The event was unsuccessful in breaking the record, but Cazi says that it's mostly due to weather.
"Here [at the resort], we had 50 people. But considering the weather we had yesterday and today, I think it was a fairly good success," Cazi said.
As for the total number of people across the country who participated, the numbers are still being calculated.
Cazi said the mood on the hill during the challenge was joyous.
"We get a lot of kids, so it's usually pretty happy and there's a lot of excitement, lots of movement, and it's a fun activity to do. Whether you're a kid or an adult, snow angels are easy to make," he said.
The challenge itself lasts a minute.
The other resorts in the country that took part were:
- White Hills Ski Resort
- Poley Mountain
- Dagmar Ski Resort
- Brimacombe
- Devil's Glen Country Club
- Osler Bluff
- Alpine
- Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area
- Batawa Ski Hill
- Mission Ridge Winter Park
- Mount Sima
- Vista Ridge
- Kicking Horse Mountain Resort