Stolen laptops, iPads among $14K in school losses
Bulk of equipment stolen during break-ins

Laptop computers and tablets worth around $14,000 were lost or stolen from Saskatchewan school divisions over three months last summer and fall, a report says.
The cases were detailed in the province's most recent quarterly report of losses of public money involving school divisions, which was released on Tuesday.
It covers seven incidents over the period from Sept. 1 to Nov. 30, 2016 in which the losses totalled $14,304.
The biggest loss was four laptops and $500 in cash stolen in a break-in at a school in the Prairie Valley School Division in September.
That was followed by Prairie Valley losses in three other incidents. In one, an employee had a work laptop stolen. In the second, an iPad tablet was lost.
In the third incident, an employee's vehicle was broken into and another laptop was stolen.
Prairie Valley School Division includes Balcarres, Lumsden and other communities outside of Regina.
A pair of laptops were also stolen from schools in two incidents in the Regina Public School Division.
The South East Cornerstone School Division, which includes Weyburn, Estevan and other communities, also suffered a break-in where seven iPads were stolen from a locked office.
The thefts were reported to police.