SUMA to tackle environmental issues, emergency response during annual convention
The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association's (SUMA) annual convention kicked off Sunday in Regina. This year's theme is 'The Power of Hometowns.'
Sessions are focusing on several issues facing towns and cities in Sask.

The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association's (SUMA) annual convention kicked off Sunday in Regina.
This year's theme is 'The Power of Hometowns.'
On Monday morning, Premier Scott Moe is expected to address the convention, which is being held at the Queensbury Convention Centre. Several ministers are also expected to speak.
Resolutions are presented each year by elected officials such as mayors or councillors. They outline what issues towns and cities across the province are facing.
Looking through the list of resolutions, there seems to be a particular emphasis on the environment and first responders.
Some resolutions are:
- Energy East: presented by the town of Moosomin, goal is to renew the push for the approval of the Energy East pipeline
- New environmental code: presented by the town of Shellbrook, goal is to phase in the new environmental code to ease the stress on municipalities
- First responders: presented by the village of Torquay, goal is to acquire funding from the Ministry of Health for the recruitment and training of first responders
- Critical incident stress management for Saskatchewan firefighters: presented by the town of Balgonie, suggesting a one-time, per capita $0.50 levy from all residents in the SUMA and SARM (Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities) member areas; funds raised going to the Saskatchewan Volunteer Firefighter's Association to help cover the cost of mental health supports
There are 23 resolutions in total.