Toddler overdoses on marijuana cookies, RCMP charge dad
Toddler survives after overdosing on marijuana cookies, dad facing charges

A 20-month-old child suffered an overdose linked to marijuana-laced cookies, RCMP in Swift Current, Sask. say. The boy's father is facing charges.
Officers were alerted to the case after the child was admitted to hospital in an unconscious state in mid-January. Police said medical staff had the child in an intensive care bed for two days.
He had been taken to hospital by ambulance after the mother called 911.
According to RCMP, toxicology tests revealed a high level of the active ingredient in marijuana in the boy’s blood. With further investigation, they learned the child's father had made a batch of cookies with marijuana in them. In a statement about the case, RCMP said the child was "given access to the cookies" and suffered an overdose. That led to seizures and the child was admitted to hospital.
RCMP said a 36-year-old man appeared in Swift Current provincial court today on a number of charges, including criminal negligence causing bodily harm and possession of marijuana. Another court date is set for Feb. 20.
Police said the man facing charges is currently in custody.
The man's name was not released in order to protect the identity of the child.