Top earners at City of Regina
Pay for top 10 earners has increased 42 per cent since 2008

According to figures published in the city's public accounts, officials like city manager Glen Davies and police chief Troy Hagen have seen their earnings increase by amounts that substantially outpace inflation.
In 2008 Davies was paid $192,264. Six years later, in 2014, his pay was up 53 per cent to $294,754.
Hagen enjoyed a similar improvement, from $168,447 in 2008 to $253,275 in 2014, a hike of 50 per cent.
The public accounts show wages for the 10 best-paid employees in the city rose 42 per cent over six years.
According to the Bank of Canada, general inflation over that same time frame was 9.8 per cent.
The top 10 of 2014
Here is a list of the 10 best-paid employees for the City of Regina, according to the 2014 public accounts:
- $294,754: City Manager (Glen Davies).
- $259,767: Dep. City Manager/COO (Brent Sjoberg).
- $253,275: Police Chief (Troy Hagen).
- $207,008: Dep. Police Chief (Robert Morin).
- $205,144: Exec. Dir. Legal (Byron Werry).
- $193,999: Exec. Dir. Police Service (Louise Mohr).
- $181,656: Exec. Dir. Planning/Development (Jason Carlston*).
- $178,821: Director, Fleet Services (Kari Koivisto).
- $176,652: City Clerk (Jim Nicol).
- $174,892: Police Superintendent (Lance Dudar).
*Partial year: Carlston went to a private sector job in October.
Source: Public Accounts/City of Regina
City's total wage bill rising
The city's annual reports provide additional information on the total wage bill for all its employees.
The reports show increases both in the number of employees working for Regina and their wages and benefits in the last six years.
- 2008 wages and benefits: $211.1 million (employees: 3,321)
- 2014 wages and benefits: $282.9 million (employees: 3,840)
The 2014 Annual Report and Public Accounts are set to be formally presented to members of city council Monday.
Currently city council members are paid $36,268 each. Mayor Michael Fougere is paid $108,387.