'Turkeys in ovens all over the city:' Carmichael outreach to serve 300
Carmichael Outreach prepares huge Thanksgiving meal

Staff and volunteers at Carmichael Outreach in Regina are ready to serve 14 turkeys, 45 kilograms of potatoes and enough stuffing, gravy and pie for 300 people. The Thanksgiving meal will be devoured starting at 11 a.m. this morning.
Lisa Desnomie, the Food Security and Nutrition Program Coordinator at Carmichael, said the secret to getting this meal off the ground is having several people to help her cook turkeys off-site.
"They are all over. Volunteers and staff have turkeys in ovens all over the city," she said.
The center received donated turkeys and vegetables from The Co-operators and a discount on turkeys from Sherwood Co-op.
It's important to us that everyone gets something good to eat at Thanksgiving-Lisa Desnomie, Carmichael Outreach
"Some of the people out there are unfortunate to not have a meal, and it's important to us that everyone gets something good to eat at Thanksgiving. This is what we are doing for the community."
Last year the group served 290 meals.
Velma Peyachew is helping with the meal this year."
I did this in North Battleford a couple of years ago for Thanksgiving, but now I've moved to Regina. I love feeding the people," she said. "It makes me happy."
Carmichael is a fairly small space so meals will be packed up to go.