University of Regina student newspaper releases leak of the week
CBC's iTeam discovered the infrastructure deterioration is three times worse than national average

Right now, the University of Regina is only able to fix failing infrastructure in emergency situations.
Last month, CBC's iTeam spoke with the university's management team who said one quarter of the campus's roofs are in very bad shape, with some "literally at the breaking point."
It's led to a leaky situation throughout the school.
CBC's recent investigation found that in one classroom there are two garbage buckets catching rain from the roof using tarps and hoses. Some people on campus jokingly refer to them as 'catheters.'
Writers at the school's student newspaper, The Carillon, are tapping into that humour and aiming for change.
In a recent article, titled Leak of the Week, Carillon News Editor Taylor MacPherson wrote that the weekly feature was part of the paper's "ongoing efforts to highlight the crumbling infrastructure at the University of Regina"; including the phrase "...because shame leads to change."