University of Regina investigates alleged rape jokes, violence at campus pub
Tweeters claim trivia night host at The Owl made jokes about rape and threw chairs at patrons

The University of Regina's campus bar, The Owl will not host any more trivia nights, until the university, its campus security and students' union finish an investigation into an alleged altercation at the bar last week.
Witnesses took to twitter on Thursday evening to complain about the campus event that night.
Tweeters claim jokes about rape were made and chairs were thrown at the crowd by The Owl's trivia night host.
Devon Peters is President of University of Regina Students' Union [URSU].
"The students' union and myself would never endorse behaviour of that nature and would never condone it in any way, so that is why we are taking this investigation so serious," Peters told CBC News on Saturday.
In a release on Friday afternoon, the University of Regina stated that "although [it] has not received formal complaints at this time, we have been made aware of allegations of inappropriate behaviour occurring the evening of March 5 at the on-campus bar, The Owl".
The release goes on to state that the school's Campus Security is working with the University of Regina Students Union, which operates The Owl, to investigate these allegations and asks that anyone with information about the incident call 306-585-4999.
Peters said the next step in the investigation will be to look at security camera footage in the bar to try and see what happened. Until the investigation is concluded, there will be no more trivia nights at the bar.