Indigenization infused throughout new U of Saskatchewan's 7-year strategic plan
'Indigenization is not a separate commitment,' says U of S president Peter Stoicheff

The University of Saskatchewan has unveiled a new strategic plan that outlines its goals for the next seven years and aims to make the university a leader in Indigenization provincially, nationally and internationally.
According to the seven-year plan, released Wednesday, the university also wants to increase enrolment to 28,000 students by 2025 (up from just under 25,000 this school year, according to the university) and to improve its ranking in academics.
"Indigenization is not a separate commitment on its own. It runs through every single commitment that we have, and that's the university of the future," said U of S president Peter Stoicheff.
He and vice-president of university relations Debra Pozega Osburn were both honoured Wednesday for their indigenization efforts at the university. Vice-provost of Indigenous engagement Jacqueline Ottmann helped wrap star blankets and Métis sashes around them for those efforts and for committing to the Truth and Reconciliation's Calls to Action.

The plan focuses on three key areas that the university calls "courageous curiosity," "boundless collaboration" and "inspired communities."
Within those categories, the university says it want to "empower a daring culture of innovation … invigorate the impact of collaboration and partnership in everything we do," and "inspire the world by achieving meaningful change with and for our communities."
The university's 2025 aspirations, outlined in the plan, include "transformative decolonization leading to reconciliation."
"The world needs a university in which Indigenous concepts, methodologies, pedagogies, languages, and philosophies are respectfully woven into the tapestry of learning, research, scholarship, creativity, and community engagement," the plan says.
Other 2025 aspirations include "global recognition" though research, scholarship and community engagement, "productive collaboration" that is " inspired by and accountable to community partners" and graduating "distinguished learners."
The university plan received approval from the university's three governing bodies, including the university council, senate and board of governors.
- An earlier version of this story stated enrolment was just under 22,000 this school year. In fact, it is 24,922, according to the university.Oct 11, 2018 2:24 PM EDT