Volunteer photographers offering free family photos at Regina Food Bank
Hair, makeup, and photos for free on Saturday

On Saturday, hundreds of people will be heading to the Regina and District Food Bank — not to get food, but for a special holiday project.
They'll be getting their hair and makeup done for free family portraits.
Help Portrait Regina gives people the chance to get a professional family photo done.
"Perhaps these people have never had a family photo taken. Perhaps they can't afford one," organizer Kim Schmidt said.
Volunteers from the organization will edit and print the photos on the spot and give the families their pictures while they're there, she said.
Help Portrait Regina has been taking family photos in the community for five years.
Recently they conducted a session at Regina's Jean Vanier School for families of students with complex needs.
This year is their first session at the food bank.
"There are tears and there are more smiles," Schmidt said. "It's so special being a part of this."