Where students need to mask up when Sask. schools return to class
Sask. government said it will leave it up to school divisions to decide if masks are worn by all

This story will be continued to be updated as school divisions revise policies leading up to the start of the school year. If you see an update that is not included, please email sasknews@cbc.ca.
Saskatchewan Minister of Education Gord Wyant said Tuesday that individual school divisions will decide whether or not kids will have to wear masks when they return to class.
Some school divisions have changed their policies, moving into Level 2 of the Saskatchewan Safe Schools Plan and requiring students to wear masks, while others are updating their policies for the 2020-2021 school year.
Regina Public Schools and Regina Catholic Schools have mandated the use of non-medical masks for grades 4 to 12 and are recommending all kindergarten to Grade 3 students wear a non-medical mask when physical distancing is not possible.
The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools division said it strongly encourages the use of masks and Saskatoon Public Schools is requiring students in grades 4 to 12 wear masks where physical distancing is not possible.
The Saskatoon Public School division said masks will be used on buses and all visitors and staff will wear masks.
Other divisions have mandated masks and updated or are in the process of updating their guidelines. Some have not mandated masks for all students and are only requiring them for staff when personal care is given to a student.
Divisions and school boards beginning at Level 2, requiring masks where physical distancing is not possible:
- The Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CEF), Saskatchewan's French-language school board.
- Regina Public Schools.
- Regina Catholic Schools.
- Saskatoon Public Schools.
- Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools (the division said it is finalizing details and language and will revise its plan to reflect the change).
- Good Spirit School Division.
- Holy Trinity Catholic School Division.
- Horizon School Division.
- Living Sky School Division.
- Lloydminster Public School Division.
- Lloydminster Catholic School Division.
- Northwest School Division.
- Prairie Valley School Division.
- Prairie Spirit School Division. (A letter was posted on August 12)
- Prairie South Schools. (A letter was posted to Twitter on August 12)
- Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division.
- South East Cornerstone Public School Division
Divisions and school boards recommending but not requiring masks:
- Prince Albert Catholic School Division.
Divisions and school boards updating their guidelines:
- Chinook School Division (the division is working through the details of the latest announcement).
- Christ the Teacher Catholic Schools (the division said it will release more information closer to school starting).
Divisions and school boards not requiring masks for all students at this time:
- Ile-a-la Crosse School Division (the division said masks will be available).
- Creighton School Division.
- Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division (not required as of Aug. 4).
- North East School Division.
- Northern Lights School Division.
- Sun West School Division.
All back-to-school plans can be viewed on the government of Saskatchewan's website here.
[Information not available for the Light of Christ Catholic Schools]