With snow melting, Regina police warn about needles
Don't touch a syringe without the proper tools

The early spring thaw has melted away what little snow there was, leaving the debris underneath — including syringes and hypodermic needles.
While people are out enjoying the warm weather or spring cleaning around their neighbourhood they should be wary if they come across a syringe.
The Regina Police Service is asking the public to not touch needles unless they have the right tools.
The city's waste management bylaw prohibits people from disposing a used needle or any biomedical waste into a city garbage can.
The police are asking people to call the Street Project (306-766-7799) of the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region for help picking up a needle.
People can try to dispose of needle safely themselves by using heavy gloves, a pair of tongs or pliers, and a hard-sided container with a lid that cannot be punctured by a needle, like a coffee tin.
Once the needle is contained, people can drop it off at a needle disposal drop box or call the Street Project to arrange for pickup.