Who should be able to sell it, buy it, grow it: your thoughts on pot
We asked you about legal marijuana, you answered

Saskatchewan, it's time to get into the weeds and have your say.
We want to know your thoughts on who should be able to sell, buy and grow marijuana.
Recently, the province launched a survey as a form of public consultation on cannabis use. The government of Saskatchewan needs to figure out how it will regulate the sale and distribution of pot, before recreational use is legalized on July 1, 2018.
CBC Saskatchewan is exploring questions surrounding legalization. Have your say on CBC Saskatchewan's Facebook page and watch what others had to say nightly on CBC Saskatchewan TV News at 6, from Sept. 13 to 15.
Here's a sampling of what people told us...
Who should sell it?

"I know the government is going to have to get its hand in that. I would hate to see it done in a liquor store fashion, because there is some opportunity there for entrepreneurial-type growers. People who really care about the medical aspects of marijuana and who have been striving for years to get this legalized and done properly." - Jan Gavel, RN

"I think authorized and registered stores should be able to sell it. This way we're making sure that it's not in the hands of any private grower out there. Because, kids that are out there could use it, which could be dangerous." - Shrey Das, international studies/economics student
Who should buy it?

"I think that marijuana should be under the same control as alcohol and tobacco. All three of them are addictive substances and should be under some form of legitimate control as to who can buy them legally." - Vincent Murphy, radio show host

"Anyone over 18 or 19, whatever the regulated age for alcohol is." - Kali Day, education student
Who should grow it?

"People who were doing it before, who have experience, who are getting credit in the medicinal area. Instead of having a big corporation, or something, swoop in — which will probably happen anyway — but, yeah. People who have experience growing it beforehand." -Vanessa Kushniruk, education student

"Anyone who has a garden. It's an herb that's been used for centuries. Why should it be any different then growing basil?" - Mark Walker, astronomy teaching assistant