Youth Resilience artists taking over @CBCSask's Instagram
Photographers' photo research project highlighted on Instagram @CBCSask

The photographic work of more than 32 young, Indigenous people is taking over CBC Saskatchewan's Instagram account this week.
The teens' broad and beautiful work forms the From Embers to Flames Youth Resilience Project. The collaboration saw the group explore narratives of indigenous youth in Saskatoon's core neighbourhoods, over the course of four seasons.
They did so with an aim of identifying strategies of survival and resilience among their peers.
Some of the artists wrote essays about what a certain, special photo from the collection means to them. Watch for these on our Instagram too.

Each day this week, @CBCSask will share a collection of the artists' photographs, leading up to their showcase on Dec. 3.
Saskatoon Community Youth Arts Programming is hosting the grand opening night and reception.
The project was completed in collaboration with Saskatoon elders, Saskatoon Tribal Council, Station 20 West, Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, the University of Saskatchewan department of community health and epidemiology, Core Neighborhood Youth Co-op, and the White Buffalo Youth Lodge.
Know of another group of artists who are working on an amazing project? Let me know!