Liam most popular baby boy name in Saskatchewan for 9th year in a row
Olivia is the most popular girl's name for the second year in a row

Liam was the most popular name for baby boys in the province for the ninth year in a row, according to eHealth Saskatchewan.
Meanwhile, Olivia was the most popular girl's name for the second year in a row.
eHealth released a list Tuesday of the province's top 20 baby names for each gender in 2018.

Liam is an Irish name that means "strong-willed warrior and protector,' according to
There were 84 baby boys named Liam in 2018, followed by 61 Olivers, 59 Benjamins and 58 Noahs.
Olivia is a feminine form of Oliver, meaning "olive tree," and is Greek in origin.
It first came to prominence when used by William Shakespeare for a character in Twelfth Night. There were 69 baby girls named Olivia, followed by 62 Emmas, 55 Harpers and 48 Avas.
Two new baby girl names — Ellie and Ivy — made the top 20 list for the first time in 2018

Three new baby boy names — Ryker, Emmett and Elijah — debuted in the top 20.
eHealth has been reporting the most popular baby names since 2008.