New Saskatoon bike bylaw passes, minus proposed buffer between cyclists and pedestrians
Children 13 and under can now legally ride on sidewalks

After years of drafting and debate, Saskatoon city councillors passed a revised bike bylaw on Monday afternoon.
One new change will allow children age 13 and under to ride on sidewalks.
Another change, proposed by councillor Randy Donauer, did not ultimately make it into the bylaw. Donauer had sought a requirement for cyclists to give pedestrians a one-metre buffer when passing them on a multi-use pathway.
Donauer initially received the support of most city councillors when he brought up the idea last fall. On Monday, however, councillor Mairin Loewen called for that section to be removed from the revised bylaw. She said it was not practical and that other parts of the bylaw built in protections for pedestrians.
Donauer said the city had an opportunity "to actually lead the country in pedestrian safety, which is something that many of my residents have been asking for."
Loewen — along with councillors Cynthia Block, Sarina Gersher, Zach Jeffries and Hilary Gough, and Mayor Charlie Clark — voted successfully to have the one-metre buffer section removed.
Donauer and councillors Darren Hill, Troy Davies and Bev Dubois opposed them, but were outvoted.
Councillors then approved the full revised bylaw.