Bike lanes idea in Saskatoon sees progress today
Committee not unanimous on test project as debate moves to council

The idea of protected bike lanes in Saskatoon made it through the committee level, but the test project got a rough ride as it now heads to city council for final approval.
The idea, however, was not unanimously supported by the committee. Saskatoon's Mayor Don Atchison offered the strongest objection, suggesting that the money to be spent on the project might be better spent elsewhere.
The test has long been a matter of debate in the city. In fact, the proposal has already undergone changes to try and find consensus between local businesses and the cycling community.
A big change shifts one of the protected routes from 24th over to 23rd Street. That's a concern, because the bus mall is located there and would force cyclists to dismount and walk their bikes.
There are also concerns about the University Bridge and an expected spike in traffic on 4th Avenue. Right now, there's a feeling it would best to delay that section of the test to 2016.
The final decision will be made by city council later this month.