Bike thefts way up in Saskatoon
Troubling trend emerging on how bikes stolen

Bike thefts are way up in Saskatoon. Police say from June, to end of July this year, 149 bikes have been reported stolen. That's an 80 per cent increase over last year.
'Why don't you be civilized and go work and get your own bike?' —Justin Lenuik
Justin Lenuik is one of those victims. The 30-year-old locked his bike up outside a department store on 20th Street and 1st Avenue in downtown Saskatoon one Sunday afternoon. Leniuk was making a quick stop to have a look around. But when he came back outside 15 minutes later, his bicycle was gone.
Lenuik has moved past the shock and anger, but has this message for the person who took his bike.
"Why don't you be civilized and go work and get your own bike? Do something in your life where you are not outside stealing bikes all day."
It’s a story that is repeating itself over and over this summer, but police don’t know why more bikes are being stolen, and said it’s not an easy crime to investigate.
"If people don’t have the serial number or a good description it’s very difficult to investigate, it’s basically looking for a needle in a haystack," said Constable Bill Bergeron.
There appears to be a troubling new twist on bike thefts, according to a bicycle shop owner in the city. Darren Cook is with City Park Cycle. Cook is hearing stories of bike jacking.
"Groups approaching people and basically mugging you for your bike, instead of your wallet, it's your bike."
Police were unable to confirm that this is happening. But they said, they take all bike thefts seriously. Police are also reminding cyclists to lock-up their bikes.