Canada Post questioned about fuel surcharge
Saskatoon woman wonders why surcharge remains while oil prices tumble.

When Maureen Bourke sent a Christmas parcel to family in Vancouver this week, she was surprised to see a 71 cent fuel surcharge on her bill.
"It just made no sense, but what are you going to do?" she said. "You have to send your parcels off."
It made no sense to Bourke because oil prices have been falling. This summer, oil was selling for $110 a barrel. Now, it's below $60 a barrel.
Bourke would like to see Canada Post examine its policy and either justify the fuel surcharge or get rid of it.
She said B.C. Ferries have stopped charging the fuel surcharge and thinks it's time others get rid of it as well.
"If you multiply 71 cents times all the shipments that are going around Canada Post, particularly at this time of year, and all the online shopping that people are doing and things like that, it causes pause," she said.
Canada Post officials were not available to comment on this story.
Many courier services in the province, including UPS and FedEx also charge a fuel surcharge.
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