Councillor Tiffany Paulsen wants Saskatoon residents to have first pick for recreation programs

Some Saskatoon parents say they can't get their kids into leisure centre programs.
A city report says that 21 per cent of kids registered for swimming lessons live outside of the city. The results of a public survey will be tabled at city hall tonight.
City councillor Tiffany Paulsen wants to see Saskatoon residents get first pick of programs, then people who live outside of the city can enroll. She plans to introduce a motion at city council tonight.
"Over 30 per cent of program registration in Saskatoon are coming from outside of Saskatoon and that's raised a concern with residents in Saskatoon who are not able to access the programs that they want," she said.
Sheryl Spence, mayor of Warman, said there's a danger in heading in this direction.
"It starts at the recreational service level, but does that mean that some other areas are going to end up implementing a Saskatoon user over a rural user coming into the city," she said.
Leisure centre usage is down, so City Hall conducted the public opinion survey to find out why.
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