Crash victims J.P. Haughey and Sarah Wensley remembered
Teens killed in crash Monday night, Social media full of tributes

Friends of two teens killed Monday night in a horrific accident took to social media hours after the fatal crash to talk about J.P. Haughey and Sarah Wensley.
The 17-year-olds died when their car was broadsided by a stolen truck at Avenue M and 22nd Street. A 16-year-old girl, also in their car, is in hospital with serious injuries.
All three teens went to Bethlehem Catholic High School.

Their friends posted on their pages almost immediately. The reactions ranged from anger and shock to a grim resignation that they were gone.
Heaven gained a handsome angel today.- @JpHaughey
And poignant details emerged about the teens.
Haughey loved to wear bow ties and ride a long board.
How he was always ready to laugh.

They also said she ran like the wind on the track.
The parents of the teens gave CBC permission to identify J.P. and Sarah.
And they say that they'll be sharing their memories as well.
J. P. Haughey posted a song to YouTube last November.