Cycling group wants separated lanes in downtown

If an advocacy group called Saskatoon Cycles has its way, cyclists could have their own bike lanes separated from motor vehicles in downtown Saskatoon by next summer.
Saskatoon Cycles is proposing temporary lanes on 4th Avenue and 24th Street as a demonstration project.
"Study after study has shown that in order to increase the number of people choosing to cycle you need to provide sort of a better perception of safety and that's what separated bike lanes provide," Sean Shaw, the group's campaign coordinator, said.
The lanes would separate bicycles from motor vehicles with removable dividers on 4th Avenue and 24th Street.
It would be a demonstration project to show that separated bike lanes can work. It would also resolve any problems before the lanes are made permanent.
The group has launched an online petition and social media campaign.
Its proposal will go to city council in time for budget talks in December.