Do men need to talk more about health issues?
Do you think Movember has been effective in raising awareness for men's health issues?

November has quickly become the month of the moustache. Men from around the world have started growing moustaches in the name of prostate cancer research.
In just a few years, more and more men are taking part in the campaign.
Saskatoon Morning asked its audience the following questions this morning: Do you think Movember is working to raise awareness for men's health? Do you think it's opened up the dialogue on men's health? People say men need to talk more about health, what men's health issues should we be talking about? Do you think raising awareness should go beyond gimmicks like growing a moustache or dumping ice water on your head?
Replay the live chat below, or if you'd like to weigh in, leave your thoughts in the comment section.
Join online host Matt Kruchak from Monday to Friday between 6-8:45 a.m. on for a lively and engaging live chat. While chatting, tune into Saskatoon Morning on 94.1 FM with host Leisha Grebinski.