Drivers urged to be alert as kids return to school
Saskatchewan drivers are being reminded to stay alert when travelling around schools and playgrounds as children return to their classrooms this week.
Tips for drivers, parents to keep kids safe on the road

Saskatchewan drivers are being reminded to stay alert when travelling around schools and playgrounds as children return to their classrooms this week.
Tips for drivers
The Canadian Automobile Association provided the following safety tips for drivers:
- Slow down and drive according to the posted speed limit.
- Be prepared to stop for school safety patrols on duty in school zones.
- Always stop for school buses that are loading or unloading students.
- Allow students enough time to cross the street safely, especially at intersections that can be covered in ice and snow.
- As rows of cars wait in school pick-up zones, be mindful that children may dart out between cars at any moment, or be obscured by exhaust or tall snowbanks.
Pedestrian safety
Parents, caregivers and teachers are also encouraged to help children stay safe on the way to and from school by teaching them pedestrian safety rules such as:
- Stop, look both ways and listen before crossing the street.
- Cross at intersections or at corners and refrain from jaywalking.
- Wait for the signal of the on-duty school safety patroller when crossing the street in a school zone.
- Ensure winter apparel such as tuques and scarves do not obstruct children's vision or hearing.
Back to school
The Saskatchewan Rivers School Division has an early start on Jan. 3.
Children at public and Catholic schools go back to the classroom on Jan. 4 in Saskatoon and Jan. 5 in Regina.
The Conseil des écoles fransaskoises school district reopens on Jan. 4, while the Prairie Valley and Sun West school divisions return on Jan. 5.