Glow-stick tribute planned across Saskatchewan for Van de Vorst family killed in crash
Jordan Van de Vorst loved shooting glow sticks at night

It's a way to honour a fallen family.
Jordan, Chanda, Kamryn and Miguire Van de Vorst are getting buried this morning. The family was killed last Sunday when an alleged drunk driver rammed their car north of the city.
Friends are suggesting a special vigil for tonight.
Jordan Van de Vorst was an accomplished photographer who, among other things, loved shooting images at night.
Colin Chatfield often went out with him on the night shoots.

He's suggesting that people across the province crack out glow sticks tonight.
"The reason I suggested glow sticks instead of candles to a few people, is because Jordan liked using them for light painting while doing night photography," Chatfield posted on a Facebook page dedicated to the family.
The group is suggesting people wave them outside or, if it's too cold, then to hang them in their windows.