Latest numbers show uptick in fines against Sask. trucking companies
Violations range from poor record keeping to improper transportation of dangerous goods.

The number of Saskatchewan trucking companies cited for violations ranging from poor record-keeping to improper transportation of dangerous goods went up last year, according to the latest numbers.
In Saskatchewan, 120 fines were handed out to trucking companies in 2017, according to SGI. That compares with 109 the previous year and just 82 the year before that.
Fines ranged from $50 to more than $16,000.
"This is just another way to encourage carriers to fulfill their obligation," Tyler McMurchy of SGI said.
More Saskatchewan companies faced fines, but more truckers are also taking SGI's voluntary safety courses. Last year and 2016 saw an average of roughly 150 truckers in the course. There have been 267 and counting this year.
McMurchy said more enforcement and education will make Saskatchewan roads safer.
An official with the Saskatchewan Trucking Association said they support more enforcement.
In April, 16 people were killed and 13 injured in the crash between the Humboldt Broncos team bus and a semi-trailer.
The driver of the semi faces criminal charges that are currently before the courts. The owner of the trucking company was charged with eight violations by the Alberta government this week.
There has been a push in the aftermath of the crash for training to become mandatory in Saskatchewan and across the country.
Ontario is the only province with mandatory training for semi-drivers. Alberta plans to do the same next year.
SGI officials have said the issue is under review and an announcement is expected in the coming months.