Hundreds of readers silently protest outside MLA offices against library cuts
Event asked book lovers to read outside offices for 15 minutes

Readers from across the province held silent protests outside the offices of MLAs to protest against $4.8 million dollars in cuts to libraries.
The reduction in funding, which was announced in the 2017 provincial budget, includes a $1.3-million cut to the Saskatoon and Regina public library systems.
In response, libraries across Saskatchewan have said they will no longer be able to run the "One Province, One Library Card" program that allowed regional libraries to loan books back and forth.
Education Minister Don Morgan is asking libraries to use other approaches to find the money.
- Don't shut down library-to-library loans, urges minister despite funding cuts
- Province needs to reverse cuts to save loan program: Saskatoon library head
Here is a sample of the protests that took place across the province today:
A sizable protest formed outside Education Minister Don Morgan's office …
In Saskatoon at Don Morgans office <a href="">#yxe</a> <a href="">#saveSKlibraries</a> <a href="">#dearsask</a> <a href=""></a>
… as well as outside the Saskatoon provincial cabinet office.
Morgan is nuts stop the cuts <a href="">#saveSKlibraries</a> <a href="">@SaskMLA</a> <a href="">#skool</a> <a href="">#yxe</a> <a href=""></a>
Protests stretched from Meadow Lake in the northwest …
Getting our signs ready for the Read In! <a href="">#DEARSK</a> <a href="">#saveSKlibraries</a> ready to stake out <a href="">@JHarrisonMLA</a>'s office. <a href=""></a>
Over 80 people have dropped in to read in Meadow Lake <a href="">#dearsk</a> <a href="">#saveSKlibraries</a> <a href="">@JHarrisonMLA</a> <a href=""></a>
… to Melfort in the northeast.
Drop everything and read Melfort. And the number of people continues to grow. <a href="">#DEARSASK</a> <a href="">#savesklibrairies</a> <a href=""></a>
Social Services Minister Tina Beaudry-Mellor was visited in Regina.
Huge crowd at <a href="">@tbeaudrymellor</a>'s office at <a href="">#dearsk</a> event. <a href="">#librariesmatter</a> <a href="">#saveSKlibraries</a> <a href="">#skpoli</a> <a href=""></a>
And Premier Brad Wall's hometown of Swift Current got into the action as well.
We're gathering quite a crowd! Lots of signs and supporters! <a href="">#saveSKlibraries</a> <a href="">#dearsask</a> <a href=""></a>
Even a Girl Guide troop got involved.
<a href="">@SaskMLA</a> <a href="">@PremierBradWall</a> <a href="">#SKlibraries</a> <a href="">#DEARsask</a> <a href="">#GirlGuides</a> participated in drop everything to read because libraries are important <a href=""></a>