Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Sask. girl, 11, to throw first pitch at Blue Jays game
Bella Arcand suffers from rare neurological disease

Next month, Bella Arcand, a young girl from Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Sask., will climb the mound at the Roger's Centre in Toronto, muster all her strength, and throw the first pitch at the Blue Jays game.
It was such a difficult time.- Bev Lafond
"She is pretty amazing, but I am biased," said Bev Lafond, Bella's mom.
Bella Arcand enjoys playing baseball but was diagnosed with Rasmussen's encephalitis, a rare inflammatory neurological disease. It left struggling with daily seizures and in 2013 she required major brain surgery.
"It was such a difficult time," said Bev Lafond.
Bella suffered paralysis on her left side. She struggled to find the right words. Bev said her daughter did not give up and was able to overcome, learning to walk and talk again.
"With motivation and practice she learned to do that." "She is very positive, she is full of energy."
The seizures faded away, only to return. That led to a second surgery in 2014, and again the seizures were under control for some time, but they are back, and the family is weighing the options.
Arcand serves as a strong advocate for children's health
In the meantime, Bella Arcand has become a strong advocate for the Children's Hospital Foundation, motivated by the compassion she feels for the families of sick children who have to travel for treatment. She helps with a fundraising radiothon, and does what she can on her own.
"She's been doing stuff at her school, Holliston School where she is doing bake sales. Her sister is helping to sell bracelets and she just really wants to become involved."
"At first she thought…I just want to get to the ice cream, because initially she kind of tried to walk past them and then when they started talking to them about it, she said she was quite surprised."
Now, Bella is practicing for that big pitch, but her mom said she is not letting the pressure get to her.
"She's not nervous, not at all. She's excited, she cannot wait, she's learning about the Roger's Centre and the roof on it and she's excited to see that and there is so much that she is learning that she's just excited."