Premier concerned about RCMP staffing in northern Saskatchewan
RCMP Supt. Kris Vibe says they sometimes operate with fewer officers

Premier Brad Wall says he is concerned about reports of serious RCMP staff shortages in some communities in northern Saskatchewan.
Wall was responding to internal RCMP emails obtained by radio station CKOM that indicate some Mountie detachments in the region are operating well below full strength.
One memo says they are running out of people and are in "dire straits."
RCMP Supt. Kris Vibe says they sometimes operate with fewer officers due to retirements, people being away on leave or training courses and redeployment.
He says the RCMP does the best it can with the people it has and that staffing levels are ultimately a provincial and municipal funding responsibility.
Wall says with crime rates up his government plans to speak with the RCMP about staffing levels.