Replay live chat: Are separated bike lanes a good idea?

City council met yesterday and we have a few items to chat about out of the meeting.
The city OKed the idea of testing separated bike lanes along 4th Ave. and 24th St. The lanes will be set up from May through October. The bike lanes will be between the sidewalk and parking spots.
As a cyclist or as a driver -- what do you think of this idea? Do you think separated bike lanes will improve the traffic flow? Will it keep cyclists safer? What other streets do you think need bike lanes?
Replay the live chat below, or if you'd like to weigh in, leave your thoughts in the comment section.
Join online host Matt Kruchak from Monday to Friday between 6-8:45 a.m. on for a lively and engaging live chat. While chatting, tune into Saskatoon Morning on 94.1 FM with host Leisha Grebinski.