8-year-old football fan gets knock on the door from Roughrider
Jorgen Hus surprised Saskatoon boy as part of anti-bullying campaign

A Saskatoon family was surprised to see Saskatchewan Roughrider Jorgen Hus when they answered a knock at the door on Monday.
"Whoa, that's amazing," said eight-year-old Jordan Brown after the football player arrived at his family home.
"It's like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
Hus hand-delivered a set of raffle tickets to Brown's family as part of the Imagine No Bullying campaign run by the Canadian Red Cross.

Spreading the word
Brown had a chance to pass the ball back and forth with Hus, who offered a few tips in between turns.
In a "post-game interview," the young fan said he thought he played well in his first match with a Roughrider.
He also took the opportunity to get an autograph from the player.

"The coolest part was asking him questions and he gets to sign my hats so it's a thing you should keep for your entire life," said Brown.
He added that he was well-aware of the Red Cross message about bullying.
"It's a really bad thing and you should never, ever do it," Brown said.
Win-win situation
Hus said he and teammates visit schools to chat about bullying prevention and how to deal with bullying.
"We've had a lot of success in the past so we're really looking to push forward and do more this off-season," he said.
Canadian Red Cross Saskatchewan vice-president Cindy Fuchs said the program was a win-win for the campaign and the Roughriders.
"We get fantastic sports guys and, actually, really nice guys that will actually deliver our message to schools and to kids," she said.
"They hear it much better from an athlete than they would from someone like myself."
Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased online or by calling 1-800-782-5437.