Saskatchewan NDP loses 2 more candidates, campaign manager due to social media posts
‘There was a gap in the campaign’s vetting process,’ says Leader Cam Broten
After barely one week into the provincial election campaign in Saskatchewan, the provincial NDP has dropped two more candidates and its campaign manager after uncovering unacceptable social media posts.
On Saturday, in Saskatoon, NDP leader Cam Broten said "it is obvious there was a gap in the campaign's vetting process, specifically related to social media."
Broten said the campaign team was directed to take a harder look at the online accounts of candidates after two candidates were dropped earlier in the week over past posts to social media.
- 2nd NDP candidate out in as many days
- Sask. NDP drops candidate Clayton Wilson over offensive tweets
"There were two instances that went beyond bad jokes and immaturity," Broten said of the outcome of the most recent screening. "Two candidates crossed the line and I won't stand for that."
Cameron Robock, who had been running in the riding of Estevan, and Terry Bell, who had been running in the riding of Regina-Walsh Acres, will not appear on the ballot in the upcoming election, set for April 4.
When CBC reached out to Robock he declined to say what led to his dismissal. But he said he would comment on the matter on Monday.
Broten would not provide details on the content of the posts that prompted the action.

Broten also sacked campaign manager Frank Quennell.
"He's a friend who has served this party well and who will continue to play a role — but I want new campaign leadership," Broten said.
The NDP's chief of staff, Linsay Martens, was promptly named the new campaign manager.

Broten said new candidates will be ready soon.
"Saskatchewan families do not want this campaign to descend into attacks on years-old social media posts," he added.
Earlier in the week the NDP dropped Saskatoon-Northwest candidate Clayton Wilson for a meme he posted on social media in 2011. On Friday, Weyburn-Big Muddy candidate Mark Jeworski resigned after several questionable and controversial social media posts and comments he made over the last year came out.