Sask. Star Wars fans recall first encounters, fond memories
Do you remember the time you were introduced to a galaxy far, far away?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, science fiction fans in Saskatchewan were introduced to a whole new world: Star Wars.
Decades later, the incredibly successful series continues to capture imaginations and excite the masses. Star Wars: The Force Awakens brings new and old fans a story set 30 years after Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The original Star Wars movie was released in 1977.
Saskatchewan fans have been hooked since.
Stories of super fans in the province got CBC Radio's Saskatoon Morning host Leisha Grebinski wondering: what is your earliest memory of Star Wars?
Childhood Star Wars memories shared on Twitter
<a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> Xmas when I was 8, got a millennium falcon from Santa. Now my son who is 8, also loves star wars. Hoping Santa leaves him one ☺
<a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> Watching my Dad take my siblings to 1977 Star Wars and leaving me behind because I was too young. Started life long obsession.
<a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> Saw it at drive-in in Kamloops in school bus parked sideways (my bro-in-law taught Jr High Eng class in Sci-fi & took me w class)
<a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> Seeing Return of the Jedi in theatre and my mom leaning down to read me what Jabba was saying cause I couldn't read yet
<a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> Watching the original at a drive in theatre in Edmonton. Me and my brother pyjama-ed up in the back of my parent's station wag.
<a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> Watching the original trilogy when I was 6, in the hospital after a tonsillectomy. Made the stay due to complications bearable.
<a href="">@Steve_In_Sask</a> <a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> when I was a kid wondering why Yoda sounded like Grover while watching ESB. Maybe Grover is a Jedi?
<a href="">@LeishaCBC</a> kind of a blur. Once only in theatres for each. Comics, vhs, TV, internets. Growing up in the 80s, hard to escape the narrative.
Have memories of your own to share? Let us know @CBCSaskatoon or @CBCSask.