Impaired driving charges on the rise over holidays
More than 350 charges in December in Sask., increase of 40 from 2015

SGI says it isn't happy about the latest impaired driving numbers coming from Saskatchewan police forces.
In December, 353 charges were laid related to impaired driving. In 2015, there were 308.
"It's certainly disappointing," said SGI executive vice-president Earl Cameron in a press release. "After extensive coverage in the media about safe ride options, increased enforcement and the tougher impaired driving laws that would be coming into effect on Jan. 1, 2017, people are still choosing to drive when they shouldn't."
- Tougher drunk driving laws expected from the Sask. government Monday
- Families react to new Saskatchewan impaired driving laws
According to the provincial insurance corporation, 343 people were charged with either driving while impaired or refusing to give police a breath test. Ten people were charged with having a blood-alcohol content between .04 and .08.
Starting Jan. 1, the provincial government strengthened impaired driving laws. Changes include a 60-day suspension for drivers under the age of 21, and a three-day vehicle seizure for anyone caught with a blood-alcohol reading between .04 and .08.
Police also made a number of other driving-related arrests across Saskatchewan last month.
- 2,894 speeding violations.
- 282 distracted driving offences (144 of those were for cellphone use).
- 167 tickets for inappropriate or no seatbelt/child safety seat.