Snow shutdown: Aftermath of Saskatchewan's wicked blizzard
Highways remain closed after Tuesday's snow and wind

Towering snowdrifts have been left in fields, yards and on highways across Saskatchewan after a wind and snowstorm that hit the province early this week.
Power knocked out to parts of southeastern Sask. for more than 24 hours after blizzard
Stuck in a blizzard for 15 hours, and other tales from the road
A number of highways were shut down in the province, including Highway 39, which reopened Wednesday morning.
A video shared on Facebook showed the long line of vehicles that were stranded on the road.
Before the highway reopened, Estevan, Sask., police tweeted they were using snowmobiles to bring coffee and supplies to stranded motorists.
On Tuesday, four vehicles were involved in a crash on Highway 1 west of Regina. One woman was killed and six others were sent to hospital.
The crash, just east of Pense, Sask., involved a car, two SUVs and a charter bus without passengers.
Vehicles were at a standstill following the crash. Some drivers shared videos and photos of the conditions on the highway.
<a href=""></a>
People from across the province were also sharing photos of massive snowdrifts.
There are sheds and a c-can in there somewhere. North of Frobisher. Thanks <a href="">#skstorm</a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#SKStorm</a> aftermath Drifts are 18' high and at least 25' wide. Lucky to be safe and warm. <a href="">#SESask</a> <a href="">#Snowmageddon2017</a> <a href="">#Blizzard</a> <a href=""></a>
10 am and 12 pm respectively. Haven't dared to check in the last 5 hours. <a href="">#skstorm</a> <a href="">#Saskatchewan</a> <a href="">#skag</a> <a href="">#nomoremoistureplease</a> <a href=""></a>
The blowing snow did a number on vehicles.

But some people found creative ways to still get around.
That time you were stranded and took the payloader home. <a href="">#StrandedNoMore</a> <a href=""></a>