Saskatoon Council approves emergency lane, Stonebridge interchange
Lane will be open to buses, ambulance, police and fire vehicles

One lane of the University Bridge in Saskatoon will stay open for a select group of vehicles while repairs are made this summer.
The decision was made at Saskatoon City Council's monthly meeting yesterday.
The lane will be reserved for emergency vehicles, transit buses, Health Region vehicles and school buses contracted by the Saskatoon School Boards.
A single walkway will also remain open during construction.
The city also announced the bridge repair work has been awarded to Horseshoe Hill Construction.
Work will begin May 1 and is expected to be completed by August 30.
Stonebridge interchange
Construction of an interchange at Highway 11 into Saskatoon's Stonebridge neighbourhood can finally get started.
Work on the project was supposed to have begun last year but insufficient funding was allocated for it.
The city has now approved an additional $1.9 million dollars for the interchange.
The total cost of the project is $19 million.
Half of that is shared by Stonebridge developer Dream Asset Management.
Work is now expected to be done by late 2016.