Saskatoon Light & Power sticking with smart meters
City-owned utility says no problems with new meters
The City of Saskatoon's electrical utility says it has had no problem with smart meters, and plans to continue a massive replacement program.

However, Saskatoon Light & Power said it's been switching out its meters since 2008, and hasn't run into any problems so far.
"We've already replaced half of our meters," metering and sustainable electricity manager Kevin Hudson said. "Some of our customers have had their meters already for six years and we've had no incidents."
SaskPower said it isn't clear what is causing the fires. While there has been some controversy on the credentials of the workers installing the SaskPower metres, Saskatoon Light & Power says that's not an issue here.

Saskatoon Light & Power plans to switch over all of the city's meters by 2015. Smart meters wirelessly send meter readings to a central location, making them more accurate.
Saskatoon is split between SaskPower and Saskatoon Light & Power.
What do you think? Should SaskPower replace your new smart meter with an old one? If you have a SaskPower smart meter, do you fear it will burst out in flames? Join the Saskatoon Morning live chat right now.