Meth, a machete and a chopped-off finger figure into Terror Squad torture trial
Two accused women alleged to be high-ranking members of street gang

This is what we know for sure: The torture happened the night of July 24 in Saskatoon in a house at 311 Avenue S South that was run by the Terror Squad, and it involved meth and a machete.
Raylene Sewap already admitted to cutting off the victim's finger. She pleaded guilty in Saskatoon provincial court in September 2018 to aggravated assault and unlawful confinement. She was sentenced to five years.
Sewap claimed that she was high on meth and the only gang member there. The Crown didn't accept that, and now her co-accused are on trial.
Judge Monar Enweani must now decide whether to convict Kenisha "Baby Doll" Ahenakew, Lindsay "Baby Sis" Okemow and Shannon Cote of aggravated assault and unlawful confinement for their alleged roles in connection with what happened that night.
At Sewap's sentencing, court heard the victim went to a house on Avenue S South that had been taken over by the Terror Squad. She said was high on meth at the time but that she wasn't looking for drugs that night.
Rather, she said that she was out walking with her friend named Biscuit.
Once in the house, the victim was recognized as someone who had supposedly left the Terror Squad for another gang. This prompted six hours of beatings, threats and confinement. At one point the victim asked for water. She was given water in a dog dish and forced to drink it on the floor.
The victim testified that Kenisha Ahenakew initially planned on cutting off her right hand but settled for Sewap cutting off the pinkie finger.
The victim was eventually allowed to leave. She made it to St. Paul's Hospital and was treated.